While Memory Tag pages look great, cover the named subject fully, and work well for experienced people, they are not as effective for people who have not had the benefit of the course: there is nothing in the memory to tag. Therefore I get a lot of questions, and I keep upgrading the content (please check for updates). The material has now left Memory Tag territory, it is approaching textbook level.
Two formats are provided.
The technical facts re product or freeware architecture are clear to technically qualified people, they know that Oracle and freeware are not servers by any stretch of the imagination.   Technicallly unqualified people however, are easily fooled by the much-repeated marketing; and the occurrence of the word "server" on every page in the manuals, thus they think their product or freeware is somehow a server, and therefore that they already understand what a server, or server architecture, is.   This prevents them from learning about actual servers and server architecture, that we have had in the commercial world since 1980, it subverts genuine understanding.  
Therefore, a quick illustrated comparison of genuine server architecture vs the mess that is implemented in such program suites is required, to unlearn the marketed "server", to clear the slate, in order to learn about what a genuine server constitutes; what architecture actually means.
Oracle & Freeware "SQL"
The freeware/shareware/vapourware/nowhere program suites purport to be SQL Compliant.   They are not.   Instead they provide extra "features" which SQL does not need, locking you even more into their special dialect of "sql".   Further, this "language" changes substantially which each major release, as they slowly learn about SQL; ACID Transactions; etc, causing you to re-write your "sql" code.   Over and over again.
Oracle & Freeware "Server" or "Platform"
Note that the 'orrible creature has the same non-architecture as freeware "sql" "platforms", thus;
- The "architecture" of oracle places it squarely in the freeware "sql" "platform" category.   With all the wonderful high maintenence issues that go with it.
- The only difference is, oracle is commercial, the rest of the rabble are not.   You pay peanuts, you get monkeys; you pay nothing, you get ...
Oracle & Freeware vs Sybase ASE V2.0 PDF (No HTML)
For Oracle types, and others without technical qualificiations, especially those who know only freeware "sql", this is a pre-requisite to understanding Sybase ASE Architecture.   Although oracle components are explicitly named, the document applies to all such "platforms".   In other words, if you would like to understand the "architecture" of any such product, why your freeware flatporn performs like a tortoise in heat, examine this document.
The document incidentally proves why the obese orable product or freeware need ten to twenty times the resources as Sybase, for the same workload, and why it is nevertheless at least one hundred times slower, but that is not the main intent.
In our Technical Audits, Performance Tuning & Verification, we use Sysmon exclusively, due to its richness and zero overhead; and provide a full-featured Sysmon Processor.   For those customers who insist on MDA, we support the Monitoring aspect of MDA tables (of which the overheads are bad enough) as a second preference to Sysmon, but not the Diagnostic aspect (of which the overhead and processing requirements are horrendous; there are much cheaper and less onerous methods of diagnosis), we provide a full-featured MDA Collector.These documents posted here because we are told they assist people in understanding MDA, and in writing their own MDA Collector. The first document is a single page overview of the MDA Collector database, showing the ERD and the command syntax for this utility.   The second document identifies the MDA source for each table; the cofiguration options required; and the MDA overhead for each; it may be laid over the first document.
Page Updated 6 Aug 21 · Gratitude or feedback